Initial Registration

When creating your Unit Commander account, there are several options available. We offer both Single Sign On services with popular providers, as well as creating an individual, unlinked Unit Commander account.

Social Media Login Support

  • Discord
  • Steam
  • Google

If you wish to use one of our supported social media logins, head to our login page and select the appropriate buttons to sign in.

Alternatively, you can create an account with Unit Commander by clicking the Register option from the navigation bar.

By default, all new accounts must opt in to receive email notifications regarding new events posted by communities they are involved in. This can be done on the registration page for Unit Commander accounts, or in your account settings if you used one of the above social media logins.

Social Media linking

In order to get the full experience from Unit Commander, we encourage all users to link their Discord and Steam accounts.

For those who sign up using Steam or Discord, you do not need to worry about linking these again.

For other users, you can find the options to link your social accounts via your Account Settings, simply click the respective button, go through the 3rd party authentication process, and you're done.

Typical Use Cases

You may be wondering why you need to link your external social accounts for the full experiences. Here are a couple of example use cases:

  • Discord Attendance Logging
    • We allow communities to post events to their discord servers, and members are able to register their attendance by clicking a button on the bottom of the message.
  • Game Server integration
    • Communities may wish to link their game servers with their Unit Commander communities, for in game ranks, attendance tracking or other functionality.

Community Profiles

One of the main benefits to Unit Commander is having multiple communities associated with one account. As a player, you have the ability to join multiple communities with the same account, reducing the number of passwords or accounts needed.

How do I see the communities I am associated with?

Head to to see a list of communities you associate with.

What data do communities have access to from my account?

By default, Unit Commander will only ever share your username with a community, for the purpose of creating you a new profile with the respective community, which can be altered later by community moderators.

Additionally, any linked social accounts may be shared with the community for enhanced functionality, but this will only include publicly available information, such as your Discord ID (available to all Discord users) or your Steam 64 ID.

Can I request my data be removed from a community?

Yes! First, we encourage you to ask the community to delete your profile, however if they decline, please reach out to us on the Unit Commander discord server by creating a support ticket and we'll help you as quickly as possible.

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