What are Events

Events are a great way to notify your community of upcoming events. This can be anything from a training to a community meeting. Events are displayed your community's calendar and can be viewed by your community members.

Events are categorized into Individual Events and Campaigns.

Individual Events

Individual events are events that are not part of a campaign. These events are displayed on your community's calendar and can be viewed by your community members.

Creating an Individual Event

To create an event, please ensure you have the Create Event permissions. Use the navigation bar on the left side of the page and select Individual Events. Next, select the blue Create Event button. This will open a modal that will allow you to input your Event information. You will need to input your Event Name, Date & Time, Map/Terrain, Description, and an Event Image. Once you have input your information, select the blue Create Event button below Discord Notification section.

NOTE: The Discord Notification section will have a dropdown menu where you can select where you want the event listed in your Discord server. Be sure your Discord server is connected to your unit before creating an event.

Editing an Individual Event

To edit an event, please ensure you have the Edit Event permissions. Use the navigation bar on the left side of the page and select Individual Events. Next, select the event you wish to edit, and select the orange Modify Event button. This will open a modal that will allow you to edit your Event information. You will need to input your Event Name, Date & Time, Map/Terrain, Description, an Event Image, and an Event Brief. Once you have input your information, select the green Save button located in the top right of your page.

NOTE: The Event Brief section is optional. This section is used to provide a more detailed description of your event.

Locking an Individual Event

If your event has already passed, you may lock the attendance responses to prevent your community members from responding to the event. To lock an event, please ensure you have the Edit Event permissions. Use the navigation bar on the left side of the page and select Individual Events. Next, select the event you wish to lock, and select the blue Lock Event button. This will lock your event. To unlock your event, select the blue Unlock Event button.

Deleting an Individual Event

To delete an event, please ensure you have the Delete Event permissions. Use the navigation bar on the left side of the page and select Individual Events. Next, select the event you wish to delete, and select the red Delete Event button. This will open a modal that will allow you to confirm your deletion. Once you have confirmed your deletion, select the red Delete Event button located in the top right of your page.

Archiving an Indiviudal Event

You can archive an event to declutter your events section. To archive an individual event, click on the event you want to archive and select the yellow Archive button to the left of the Lock Event button.

To view your archived events, navigate to your Events page, and click the Show Archived slider on the right side of the page. These events are available for view, but cannot be interacted with.

To edit an archived event, you will have to unarchive the event.

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