Discord Bot

Unit Commander provides a discord bot that integrates with your Pro tier community, and contains a number of slash commands for your player base.

To get the bot, press the "Get the Bot" option on the navigation, then follow Discord's authentication process.

Once you have added the bot to your discord server, you must then link your discord server to the Unit Commander systems. To do this, go to the "Conmunity Discord" page, where you will be asked to add your Discord Server ID. To get your server ID, we recommend referencing this article from Discord: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/206346498-Where-can-I-find-my-User-Server-Message-ID-

Once you've added your Discord Server to Unit Commander, and the bot is in your server, you should be presented with some brief details of your server, including:

  • Roles
  • Channels
  • Users

Slash commands

Slash commands can be used by your players who have their discord accounts linked. For more details see the Account Registration page.

We provide a number of commands, and below are a few commands to note:

  • /register - This command takes a new user to your community, and creates their Unit Commander account with Discord already linked, and will create a profile on your Community Panel.
  • /profile - Creates an embed with a summary of a player's profile, including rank, awards, qualifications, and more.
  • /ranks - Create a list of ranks as embeds

Slash commands will integrate with a player's relevant permissions within a community, so commands will fail if they do not have the appropriate permissions for their command.

Events & Attendance

When creating events in Unit Commander, there is the option to post the event as an embed to a selected channel. This is selected during the event creating process, and will create an embed with associated buttons for registering attendance.

Important Notes

  • The attendance buttons are representative of the configured options in Unit Commander
  • You must not have more than 5 attendance options for discord integration
  • The event's date and time will be displayed in each player's local time

Bot Configuration

The Unit Commander Bot allows for two configurations to help manage how it interacts with your discord server.

  • Embed Colour
  • Member Join Message

Embed Colour

By default, the Unit Commander bot will use your community's colour (set in the branding configuration page), and as a fallback, the typical Unit Commander green. If you wish to set a custom colour for your embeds, you can set the colour value with this option.

Member Join Message

Define either a markdown or embed message to send to new discord users when they join. Markdown messages make use of Discord's formatting rules, while the embed option requires a fully qualified JSON embed object. To generate an embed JSON object, you can use our service: https://embeds.unitcommander.co.uk/

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