Community Structure

ORBAT (Order of Battle)

The ORBAT (Order of Battle) is a hierarchical structure of the community. It is used to define the structure of the community, and to define the roles and permissions of the members of the community. This is but not limited to: S-Shops, Combat roles, and Chain of Command within a community.

Creating Your Structure

To create a new structure for your community, you will need to select the Create Structure button on the top right of the page. This will open a modal that will allow you to create your structure. Next, you will input your Structure Name and Display Order. Display Order is the order in which your structure will appear on the ORBAT page. In the case of display order, the lower the number the higher your structure will display. Once you have inputted your information, you will select the Create Structure button.

Adding Parent and Child Units

Once you have created your structure, you will need to add your parent and child units. To add a parent unit, you will select the Add Parent button. This will open a modal that will allow you to input your parent unit information. The units you have already created will be available to you in a dropdown menu. You will need to input your Unit Name, Display Order, and select the Create Parent button. Once you have created your parent unit, you will need to add your child units. To add a child unit, you will select the Add Child Element button, which is a gray plus button. This will open a modal that will allow you to input your child unit information. You will need to input your Unit Name, Display Order, and select the Create Child Element button.

Deleting Your Structure

To delete your structure, you will select the Delete Structure button. This will open a modal that will allow you to delete your structure. You will need to select the Delete Structure button to confirm the deletion of your structure.


The roster offers another view of your unit as a whole including: each of your platoons listed in units, the personnel assigned to those platoons, ranks of each member, and the position they hold within the unit. This is beneficial for when the administration is assigning personnel to leadership positions or going over individuals for promotions.


To ensure that the appropriate personnel are able to manage the structure and roster, Unit Commander suggests having the following permissions:

  • create unit groups
  • delete unit groups
  • create units
  • update units
  • delete units
  • create structures
  • update structures
  • delete structures
  • add elements
  • remove elements

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