Introduction to Campaigns

Campaigns are a simple way for you to group together recurring or longer term events, for ease of management and decluttering your events list, as well as making the creation process easier.

Campaigns consist of a name, brief description, an image, as well as a list of sub-events.

Creating your first campaign

Before starting the creation process, you should come up with a snappy name for the operation, and perhaps a banner image to match it. These will both be used in subsequent events, so choose carefully!

Campaign creation

In order to create a new campaign, navigate to the campaigns tab, and press the "Create Campaign" button located on the right of the page title.

This will navigate you to the creation page. Fill out the required form fields, and as you do this, you should notice a preview section begin to populate; this will give you a preview as to how the campaign will appear on different mediums (on your Unit Commander panel, discord or email). Once complete, press the save button to save your new campaign.

Campaign Events

Now that you've created a campaign, it's time to schedule the events within it, for your members to interact with.

From the campaigns page, select your campaign, and you should be presented with a page containing the campaign details. Within the left hand box, containing the campaign details, you should see a green "Add Event" button, click this.

You should then be navigated to a form containing all the required fields for a new event, including an event name, date and time (in your local timezone) and optionally a Discord channel field. If you have configured your discord server, this is the stage where you will select the channel in which you wish to post the event notification to, however this is an optional step.

Please note: Campaign Events are functionally the same as regular individual events, in that they feature briefings, mass attendance options, and notifications via email and discord where applicable.

Archiving a Campaign

Once a campaign has concluded, you may wish to archive it, to declutter your campaigns list. To do this, navigate to the campaign you wish to archive, and press the "Archive" button located above the Edit Campaign button. This will move the campaign to the archived section of the campaigns page, where it can be viewed, but not interacted with.

To view the archieved campaigns, press the Showw Archived button located on the right side of the page.

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