
Unit Commander provides a detailed suite of tools for community applications, including configurable applications, automated actions, and more. This page will outline what each element does, and how you can use it to the best potential.

Application Configuration

This page is how the application system can be modified and fit to your community's needs. This page is split into three sections; Fields, Preview and Automated Actions.


This is an outline of the fields, or questions, you wish to ask as part of your application. In order to create a field press the Create Field button located at the top right of the page. This will navigate you to a creation page where you will be presented with a series of options and fields which will help you formulate the question.

  • Display Name: This is the title of the question you wish to ask
  • Field Type: Should this be a dropdown, text field or something different? Certain fields like date will incorporate the user's device to help in providing the correct format
  • Validation Rules: Use these to determine if a field is required, or should be a certain data type
  • Description: Helpful/Descriptive text found underneath the input body of the question
  • Default Value: Want to provide a base value? Add it here.
  • Options: Only for field types where there is a preset list of answers. Ensure your list takes the format of: Option A,Option B,Option C

After creating your fields, you should see them appear in the preview tab of the page, giving you an insight into how the application will appear for new applicants.

If you wish to modify the display order of questions, press the Modify Order button on the fields tab and drag and drop the fields into the desired order of display, then press the save icon to persist the changes.

Automated Actions

These are a series of drop down boxes, which give you the option to assign certain traits when users sign up, or their application status is modified from Under Review.

  • New User Role: Assign a role to a new user when they sign up to your site. This may be to give them the base permissions required, or to allow them access to see some of your community's information, like ranks or roster.
  • Accepted Role: Assign a role to a user after their application has been accepted.
  • Accepted Position: Assign a position to a user after their appliation has been accepted.
  • Accepted Rank: Assign a default rank to a user after their appliation has been accepted, such as Recruit.
  • Declined Role: Assign a role to a user if their application is declined.

After selecting an option from any of the drop down fields, ensure you press the Save button to persist the changes.


Application Submissions are submitted by new players or applicants, and will follow the format dictated in the application you previously setup. Submissions are grouped by three different statuses:

  • Under Review
  • Accepted
  • Declined

By default all new applications will be designated as "Under Review" and will be shown first on the submissions page. Applications will be ordered such that the latest application will be at the bottom of the list, so you must work through any backlog of applications first.

Each submission is comprised of the following information:

  • Player Details
  • Application Responses
  • Notes
  • Logs

The Player Details section gives a very brief overview of the applicant, and will link to their main profile page. The application responses section lists all the questions they responded to, as well as their responses (in italic). The Notes section is a tool for recruitment staff to leave notes regarding an applicant, perhaps gathered during verbal interview, or another medium. The logs section maintains a record of changes to an application's status, and who made the changes.

Important Note

After completing an application, if the user does not have access to the community, they will be presented with a screen that displays a list of their applications, as well as their current status. We recommend that Applications are kept up to date, and are an accurate representation of their status.

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