
General Settings

Within the General Settings tab, you can configure your community's name, abbreviation, description, and community tags.

Community Tags

Community tags are used to help your community members find your community. These tags are used to help filter communities when searching for a community to join. You can either select through tags made by other communities or create your own tags.

Creating a Community Tag

To create a community tag, please ensure you have the Create Community Tag permissions. Use the navigation bar on the left side of the page and select Community Tags. Next, select the blue Create Community Tag button. This will open a modal that will allow you to input your tag information. You will need to input your Tag Label, and Tag Color. Once you have input your information, select the Create Tag button located in the bottom right of your page.

NOTE: The Tag Colour can be selected through a colour picker, hex code, or RGBA code.

Community Listing

Want to hide your community from the main communities tab? Toggle this switch to prevent communities from finding you on our public pages.

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