
Alerts are a great way to notify your community of important information. This can be anything from a new update to your unit's modpack to a new event that is coming up. Alerts are displayed on your unit's page and can be dismissed by your community members.

Creating an Alert

To create an alert, please ensure you have the Create Alert permissions. Use the navigation bar on the left side of the page and select Alerts. Next, select the blue Create Alert button. This will open a modal that will allow you to input your Alert information. You will need to input your Alert Title, Message / Contents, Variant / Color, and Page. Once you have input your information, select the blue Create Alert button below Preview Alert section.

Variant / Color Options

The following are the available options for the variant / color of your alert:

  • Success which is green
  • Info which is blue
  • Warning which is yellow
  • Danger which is red

Page Options

The page option is available to allow you to select which page you wish to display your alert on. The following are the available options for the page of your alert:

  • Applcation Configuration Create
  • Awards Create Group
  • Positions Create Group
  • Qualifications Create Group
  • Ranks Create Group
  • Units Create Group
  • Alerts Create
  • Analytics Attendance
  • Analytics Community
  • Application Configuration
  • Application Submissions
  • Awards Create
  • Campaigns Create
  • Discord Configure
  • Documents Import
  • Events Create
  • Positions Create
  • Ranks Create
  • Settings Api
  • Settings Attendance
  • Settings Branding
  • Settings Roles
  • Units Create
  • Alerts
  • Alerts2
  • Application
  • Awards
  • Buttons
  • Calendar
  • Campaigns
  • Communities
  • Dashboard
  • Discord
  • Documents
  • Events
  • Forms
  • Index
  • Modals
  • Orbat
  • Positions
  • Profiles
  • Qualifications
  • Ranks
  • Roster
  • Units

Viewing Your Alerts

To view your alerts, use the navigation bar on the left side of the page and select Alerts. This will display all of your alerts. To view the details of an alert, select the grey See More button on the alert you wish to view. This will open a modal that will allow you to view the details of your alert. This includes the Created By:, Created At:, Page, and Active Status.

Below the blue Create Alert button, there is a Show Archived button. This will toggle the display of your archived alerts. If you wish to view your archived alerts, select the Show Archived button. If you wish to hide your archived alerts, select the Hide Archived button.

Archive Your Alerts

To archive your alerts, use the navigation bar on the left side of the page and select Alerts. This will display all of your alerts. To archive an alert, select the grey Archive button on the alert you wish to archive. This will open a modal that will allow you to archive your alert. You will need to select the yellow Archive Alert button to confirm the archiving of your alert.

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