Metrics Collected

Unit Commander collects all data in association with the Community's defined Attendance Statuses, and how their users interact with them.

When an event is posted, and players interact with the attendance registration options (via their chosen medium), Unit Commander collects this information and collates them into helpful reports to help your community moderators get an overview on overall attendance.

Individual Events

We provide a multi-select box, where you can select one or more individual events from your community to draw metrics from. These metrics will be used to create a bar chart, where each vertical bar is representative of an event.

The total height of the bar is representative on the number of attendance logs registered in association with the event, and are grouped by their status, with each appearing on top of the other in a sequential manner.

You can hover over each bar to receive an exact numerical value for each attendance status, and each attendance status will be colour coded to your configured colour (as per the Attendance Status configuration).


Campaign analytics are similar to individual events, in the sense that each campaign is represented as a bar chart, however a key difference here is that instead of having the option to select multiple campaigns, you may only select one at a time, as each campaign consists of multiple events.

The campaign attendance overview allows your community to see how attendance changes and adapts over the course of a longer, perhaps persistent, style of operation for your community.

Individual Players

There is also an option to view attendance, as grouped by individuals. There is a multi-select drop down, that allows you to select multiple players from your community to compare their attendance.

Each player will have their own box, containing a pie chart, and a log of their attendance.

Pie Chart

The pie chart will represent the player's entire attendance history within your community, and will be broken into sections for each of their attendance statuses registered since they joined. Upon hovering on each section of the chart, you will see a summation of their total logs for the given attendance status.


The logs are a tabular view of the player's attendance logs, ordered by date. You are able to click through their history, and view every event they ever registered their attendance for, and what the corresponding event is.

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